Green Roof

Green roofs provide beauty and an attractive look to your property. If you decide to install vegetation on your flat roof, we can help you install and experience clearer air in your surrounding. Just give our company a call and let’s discuss your green roof project.


Everything You Need To Know About Green Roof

Green roof from the word itself is a greenery-surround roofing system made entirely for planning and vegetation. It is mostly seen in flat roofs. Green roofs are primarily made to help the environment and sustain a good quality of life for the ecosystem.

This kind of roofing system is becoming more popular these days, especially for people who are looking forward to a healthier environment. With a number of practical benefits, the overall appearance is questionably beautiful, with different growing flowers, plants, and shrubbery which will look remarkably at all times of the year.

Imagine looking at your roof with a bright and vivid in the summer, lush and green top roof during the peak of winter, and flowers blooming in the mid of springtime. All this beauty will be brought by your top roof.

Intensive & Extensive Green Roof

When planning to install a green roof on your property it is best to identify what types of green your building can hold. An intensive green roof is a time-consuming type, it holds up to 150 lbs per square foot. It is more likely a garden that the owner themselves the various type of plants they planning to grow—which typically require more care and management. The intensive green roof is a perfect spot for recreational areas for the family. To save even more money please visit our page about our protective roof coatings.


On the other hand, extensive green roofs are more self-sustain vegetation. The plants use are local plants that can grow and sustain themselves without the need for proper care. Grasses and ground-cover plants are normally the best picks for an extensive green roof. Unlike intensive, extensive green roof is built for environmental and economic benefits and are not a functional area.

Trusted & Reliable Roofing Contractors

Get a reputable quote to our company—Boise Commercial Roofing.

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